Pluto will help you improve your life from the bottom up, gradually and with care.
他将从头到脚地改善你的生活, 缓慢而谨慎.
——期刊摘选The job will have to be done all over again from the bottom up.
——期刊摘选They made snakes of clay, attached the bases, wound them around from the bottom up.
他们做出泥蛇, 然后贴到底儿上, 然后从底部一圈圈绕上来.
——期刊摘选A salvage from the bottom up, from a top - down fishing.
一会从下往上捞, 一会从上往下捞.
互联网So my attitude is, we've got to grow the economy from the bottom up.
所以我的态度是, 我们得让经济从底层增长起来.
互联网From the bottom up. Instead of towns, you begin with simple behaviors - instincts and reflexes.
与前文乡镇类似,自下而上, 你从简单行为开始 ― ―都是些本能和条件反射.
互联网Iraq's local leaders need to continue to improve conditions from the bottom up.
互联网He'll be spending several months in each department, learning the business from the bottom up.
他将在各个部门待上几个月, 从头学起怎么做生意.
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